The Canadian Technician

November 2012

The Canadian Technician

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SCU - Finding Surging Stocks in USA and Canada

by Greg Schnell

I found these through various searches today. If you enroll in SCU you'll find charts like this every day! They all look stellar depending on your trading style. I didn't link them, but you can easily look at them with your favorite settings... Read More 

The Canadian Technician

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Heads Up...So is Copper!

by Greg Schnell

Copper made 5 week highs today. Which is probably why the mining stocks started to accelerate. Copper is called Dr. Copper because of its ability to forecast economic turns. I like seeing a 2 week high on sensitive stuff like copper. This huge breakout is big news to me... Read More 

The Canadian Technician

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A New Bull Rally... Do You Agree?

by Greg Schnell

This is one of my favorite methods of analysis. I like to stay aware of the MACD levels relative to historical norms. The Green arrows represent bounces from this level that happened in the SEP/OCT/NOV time frame... Read More 

The Canadian Technician

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$TSX bull bear fight. A Support Resistance Explanation

by Greg Schnell

A local family was out for a walk in the mountains yesterday. They accidently found themselves near a bear. They were surprised and so was the bear. They startled the bear and the bear attacked them... Read More 

The Canadian Technician

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Making Huge Money....aah, I Forgot To Click!

by Greg Schnell

Do you ever look at a chart and go....'wow...did that ever move..... Read More 

The Canadian Technician

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Thinking about Thanksgiving

by Greg Schnell

Took a brief tour of the charts this morning and AG pops up as interesting. This chart is a compendium on Technical Analysis. Lets start with the RSI. The runup in July tagged 70 so we associate that with a new bull market... Read More 

The Canadian Technician

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CNQ is Reaching Unloved Status..

by Greg Schnell

CNQ exists as a bright spot in Canadian Exploration. A massive company built by investing when everyone was scared and trying to do things differently... Read More 

The Canadian Technician

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Farming Apple's (stops!)... Just in Time for Thanksgiving's Apple Pie

by Greg Schnell

Textbooks are written about trading. Some don't see enough investors eye balls. This chart has some serious technicals right now. Let's watch Apple to see a trade progression here over the next few weeks. OK a few things have happened... Read More 

The Canadian Technician

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$COPPER has Frozen. Will the Pipes Burst?

by Greg Schnell

Copper has spent the week wobbling above this major upsloping trendline. It has fallen almost 10% since September. If this starts to split, we'll be staring at a significant downside move. Copper continues to test this neckline... Read More 

The Canadian Technician

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$TSX - SPURS are kicking in. Can the Mule Move?

by Greg Schnell

The $TSX has recently started to outperform the $SPX. THe Purple area is the SPURS. Relative Strength to the $SPX. It is pushing up. However, the $TSX is stuck in this channel. A breakout to the topside would mark a commodities breakout. A break down is very important... Read More 

The Canadian Technician

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XLF- Is the Financial Sector Signalling a Major Top?

by Greg Schnell

I am not a banker. I rarely write about the USA bank sector. Today is a new day! Here is a view into the Financial Sector in the USA. I don't think we should change the ticker to CLIFF just yet, but this appears to be breaking down... Read More 

The Canadian Technician

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The $US Dollar - To Have and To Hold From This Day Forward

by Greg Schnell

The world is married to the $USD as it holds the 'reserve currency' status. I don't know that we say the wedding vows to it, but it is still the main venue when signs of stress appear. Of course, I would not try to link marriage to stress! That is taking the analogy too far... Read More