The Traders Journal

April 2016

The Traders Journal

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ChartPack Quarterly Update: Over 100 New Enhancements (v 8.0)

by Gatis Roze

Visual Analysis on Steroids I am a big believer that investing should be fun and need not eat up all my time. One element I’ve found that makes it more so is creating colorful and visually alluring charts... Read More 

The Traders Journal

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Here's How Your Buying & Selling RT (Reaction Time) Flows Through to Your Bottom Line

by Gatis Roze

I’ve been told I’m a little unusual in that I rate my trades on a scale of 1 – 5 stars depending on my reaction time (RT). My reaction time rating is merely a measure of the quickness an investor responds to some sort of market stimulus... Read More 

The Traders Journal

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As Easy As 1, 2, 3...or 4?

by Grayson Roze

What does it take to succeed as an investor? That’s a broad question but nonetheless a supremely important one. Let’s stop, think about this for a minute and see if we can boil it down to a few core elements. First off, it takes genuine curiosity... Read More 

The Traders Journal

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The Secret of Success Is...

by Gatis Roze

This past February, John Elway, General Manager of the Denver Broncos, achieved the pinnacle of success when his team won the 2016 Super Bowl... Read More 

The Traders Journal

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Wall Street's Free Lunch... But Investors Must Still Read the Menu

by Gatis Roze

To paraphrase Bill Murray from the movie “Aloha,” the future is not something that just happens. It’s a brutal force with a great sense of humor that will nickel and dime your investments until it’s totally steamrolled your portfolio if you aren’t watching... Read More